Dave Mac Retires

Members of the Waikato Regional Volleyball Association Executive and many of our long serving players. coaches and administrators gathered last evening to formally farewell Dave Macpherson as he departs for Otago.

Our President, Robyn Polley, presented Dave and his partner Jane with three taonga which have been blessed by local iwi. The taonga symbolise the perseverance that has been required in all the many and varied roles Dave has held within volleyball for so many years. Dave has been involved with our Waikato junior and senior secondary school events, IPC administration, running dozens of social competitions, our ethnic volleyball tournament, club and zonal administration as well as fitting in some coaching and playing! It is not an exaggeration to say that there are many thousands of people involved in some aspect of volleyball in the Waikato region who have been impacted by Dave's incredible work.

The taonga also symbolise guidance for Dave and Jane as they make the big move south where they are building a new home. Dave and Jane, we wish you both all the very best in your new adventures together. We thank you for your amazing service over many years and wish you both many happy and relaxing years together in Otago.


NZ Secondary Schools Volleyball Champs